Emergency Relief for Survivors of the Earthquake in Chile

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Aftermath of Chilean Earthquake (from The New York Times)

A powerful magnitude-8.8 earthquake ripped through Chile very early Saturday morning. The death toll is over 100 and rising quickly. Many homes and roads are destroyed--electricity, water, and phone lines leading to outlying areas severed--bridges have collapsed, several hospitals are damaged and have been evacuated. An official "state of catastrophe" is declared in central Chile and strong aftershocks continue along Chile's coast.

Tsunami warnings are in effect for every nation in the Pacific Ocean and likely to hit shores in Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Alaska and the U.S. West Coast this weekend.

You can help. Your donation through this Gift That Gives More™ goes directly toward helping survivors of this devastating quake.

Learn more at www.greatergood.org.

AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon customers may also make donations through texts:

  • Text the word “CHILE” to 25383 to donate $10 on behalf of the Habitat for Humanity
  • Text the word “CHILE” to 20222 to donate $10 on behalf of World Vision
  • Text the word “CHILE” to 52000 to donate $10 on behalf of the Salvation Army

AT&T will waive all texting fees for these donations.

Visit nbc site for more information.


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