Women We Love: Grace Kelly

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

No One More Graceful

Actress turned fashion icon turned princess, Grace Kelly is more than just another product of Hollywood. She is rather, other worldly, her beauty and humble nature so natural, everything one would expect from royalty. Starting her journey from Philadelphia, her hometown, to New York to Monaco, Grace left traces of her style that will forever be remembered and adored. Currently, a display of dresses once worn by Grace Kelly will be on exhibit till September 26, 2010 in London at the Victoria & Albert Museum. Learn more about the exhibit here.

"If there is one thing that is foreign to me it is shopping for pleasure. On the other hand, I believe that it is right to honor all those who create beautiful things and give satisfaction to those who see me wearing them."

"I would like to be remembered as someone who accomplished useful deeds, and who was a kind and loving person. I would like to leave the memory of a human being with a correct attitude and who did her best to help others."

"I avoid looking back. I prefer good memories to regrets."

"I am basically a feminist. I think that women can do anything they decide to do."

"Why get angry? Getting angry doesn't solve anything..."

"Before my marriage, I didn't think about all the obligations that were awaiting me. My experience has proved useful and I think that I have a natural propensity to feel compassion for people and their problems."

"When I married Prince Rainier, I married the man and not what he represented or what he was. I fell in love with him without giving a thought to anything else."

"My father had a very simple view of life: you don't get anything for nothing. Everything has to be earned, through work, persistence and honesty."


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