365 Days, One Dress

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Uniform Project

What if someone told you that you were only allowed to wear one item for an entire year? Futhermore, what if the person told you that the item of your choosing would have to look unique and different each day? How would you feel, and more importantly, what will you choose?

Sounds pretty much impossible but Sheena Matheiken took the challenge and transformed her LBD everyday for 365 days! She reinvented her style each day by using items from her own closet. She says, "There are so many things in your closet that are just sitting there buried and completely forgotten... Just by throwing around a few things in different permutations, you can create a very different look."

Feeling a little inspired? Read the full article at stylelist.com and tell us, what can you wear for 365 days?


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